Praying for Muslims

Today is the last day of Ramadan, the holy month in which Muslims celebrate the giving of the Qur’an to Muhammad. Our church has spent the last 30 days praying for the Muslim world.  Specifically praying that more Muslims would have opportunities to hear and respond to the message of the gospel.

Why Pray?

There is an unprecedented movement of people moving from Islam to Christianity in the world.  Islam began in the seventh century, 622 A.D.  From the time of its birth in the seventh century up to the nineteenth century there were a total of five movements of Muslims toward a Christ. (A movement is at least 1,000 people turning toward Christianity.) In the twentieth century there was a total of eleven movements recorded.  So far in the twenty-first century there have been seventy-two recorded movements in the house of Islam.

We are praying because we will not see the gospel spread in the unreached people groups of the world (including within in Islam) without a commitment to prayer. We are praying because God is obviously already at work and we want to see that work continue.

The Effects of Prayer

I have to confessed that I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when we committed to having the church do this.  I wasn’t sure how people would respond. I wasn’t sure if people would participate at all. But God was gracious in showing me some of the effects of these prayers.

One of my favorite stories of this past month was a conversation I had with a member of my church just before one of our worship services.  She came up to me to tell me how much she was enjoying and learning from the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet. Then she told me about a Muslim woman that she met one day in front of her home.  This woman was standing in the rain with her child waiting for the bus.  My friend invited her to stand in the carport while they waited for the bus.  Now after spending time praying for followers of Islam around the world this member of my church was thinking about her neighbor. She’s been hoping that she will run into her again so that she can speak to her. (Since it is summer they aren’t coming to the bus stop.)

What made that morning even better was that while I was having this conversation another woman in our church came up to share how much she has learned about Islam.  She commented that she had so many misconceptions about Islam; but the booklet and the videos we were watching had helped her.

Next Step

Next year Ramadan is from May 27 – June 25. I hope you’ll consider joining us as we pray for the gospel to advance in the Muslim world (of course you don’t need to wait till then). Why not set a reminder for yourself to order a copy of the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet. Perhaps even ask your pastor/friends to join you as well.


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